
  • Living Out of Suitcases

    As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, we are not in California right now. We have escaped Cali’s high Covid numbers and subsequent high regulation and have fled to Utah and Idaho for the past few months. We wanted to leave Cali as soon as the initial lockdown took place, but I was weeks away from delivering a baby, so we stayed. We delivered a healthy baby and allowed time for me to recover. We knew that lockdown in California would be tougher than in Utah or other more rural areas, so we looked forward to leaving the state. In the meantime, I filled my time with reading, watching videos,…

  • The Thistlewits Short Film

    Ben and I had a chance to be in a short film together some time last year. It just released on Amazon!!! You should totally watch it! Ben, Jess, and I auditioned and landed parts in a short film last summer. It was a blast to film and it was my first big role! I was actually on camera with my own speaking lines! And by speaking lines, I mean a bit more than the Lamaze breathing I did on “Young Sheldon.” Although, for someone who’s never been in a Lamaze class, I totally think I nailed it. 😉 Anyone find me yet? I’ll give you a clue… I filmed…

  • Becoming a Co-star and Earning Residuals

    I have been on national television! Okay… that might be true many times over, but this time you can see my face instead of just a corner of my shirt in the background! And, you can hear my voice! And I’m getting paid as an actual grown-up actress! Several months ago, before this Rona stuff hit and before we had baby (which we will now refer to as Pandy – thank you Robin and MarkandTerry), I saw a job posting for a SAG-AFTRA pregnant woman to be in a Lamaze class. Hey, hey! I was pregnant and could totally play that role, so I sent in my picture and crossed…

  • Pandemic Summer

    It’s been four months since the lock down started for us in California. Since that time so much has happened. The most important being the birth of our adorable baby girl. Since we use nicknames for my kiddos online, I’d love feedback on how to refer to her on this blog. A pandemic/COVID-19 name sounds fun. If you have any great ideas, leave a comment below. Her initials are PDP if that’s helpful for your creative juices. Here she is. Isn’t she the most beautiful 2020 baby you ever saw? Never mind my bias. She has the most darling blue eyes, and chubbier cheeks and thighs than any of my…

  • Giving Birth in a Pandemic

    Well folks, I survived. Four weeks ago (yes… I know I’ve slacked in keeping people updated) I gave birth to a healthy, beautiful baby girl. This was the most different delivery we’ve ever experienced. With every other one of my children I’ve gone naturally into labor. For three out of the four I was in labor for more than a day. Like… constant contractions, twenty minutes apart… for several days. No joke. And they all came before 39 weeks of pregnancy. This time I got to 40 weeks and my body was refusing to naturally go into labor. And there were no signs that labor would be starting on it’s…

  • Suddenly Homeschooling? Here’s 10 Tips and Tricks

    Welcome! To those of you who don’t know much about me let me introduce myself. My name is Cindy. I am the wife of a working actor (Ben), mother to four beautiful little girls (ages 9,7,5, and 3) and I’m 36 weeks pregnant with our fifth little lady! We have been thoroughly blessed. As I’ve discussed in previous posts, due to the nature of Ben’s job and the abundance of support we receive from the charter school system in California, we decided to homeschool this school year. Because of that, now that the Coronavirus is having everyone move indoors, I have had several friends reach out to me for homeschooling…

  • Fellow Dreamers

    I have been blessed with such amazing people in my life. Thank you to all you dreamers out there who have reached out to support Ben and I along this whirlwind journey. It’s been humbling to see how many people are rooting for us to succeed. I’ve always heard that you are who you associate with. I always feel better around hopeful, optimistic, faith-filled, cliff jumpers. I think I found what I need. I need to hang out with more dreamers. We are the music makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-breakers, And sitting by desolate streams; — World-losers and world-forsakers, On whom the pale…

  • The Results of the Movie Watching Saga

    We really should have started watching the SAG-Award nominations the moment they showed up on our porch. In all reality… we probably should have been watching way more TV shows all year to be able to vote with confidence. But… regardless, we are done. The SAG-Award votes had to be turned in by Friday, January 17th as the awards were being given out Sunday the 19th. We were able to get through so many good films. I decided to only vote for the film categories. There were just so many television series to watch. We attempted to watch a few but after one episode it was difficult to judge someone’s…

  • SAG Awards

    One fun aspect of being a member of the Screen Actor’s Guild is the fact that we get to vote for the SAG Awards. We started receiving packages in the mail at the end of December. At first I was confused as to what they were. I tend to just take all SAG mail and hand it to Ben to deal with. I don’t pay much attention to it because, for the most part, I am busy with getting paint off of hands, prepping meals, and teaching four children important stuff. Maybe this time I should have paid better attention. Every day we would get more and more letters and…

  • Good Things to Come

    This November I am grateful for being a mother. Just shortly after Ben and I got married we decided to have children. We had such a powerful feeling that God had children waiting for us and that we should allow them into our home and our lives. I wanted to finish my degree first. Ben wanted to finish school. We lived in a tiny, one bedroom, 450 square foot apartment. We had been married for a few weeks and trying to figure out married life. Having a baby right away seemed like a ridiculous step… but our guide had shown us a better way, so we decided to start our…