Sacrifice,  Tales,  The Wife


This Thanksgiving season I am grateful for freedom.

We live in a land where we claim to have freedom to live according to our beliefs and convictions. Now… I used to believe that. As a young naive child, I was fed the idea that we live in a free land. A place where people came from lands far away to escape from persecution. This land was founded as a land of liberty where people could live their religions, convictions, and lives free from tyranny.

I have since grown up. Sadly enough… the freedom I once believed in has long been replaced by a cheap off brand version of the real thing. We live in a land where freedom is so mutilated by policies, procedures, government red tape, and technicalities that it hardly seems like freedom, as it was intended, really exists anymore.

In this country we have certain rights that are guaranteed to us in the Constitution of the United States. The first amendment to the Constitution states the following: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” I can think of many laws, policies, and procedures that blatantly attack these freedoms that we hold dear.

There used to be an actual regard and respect for the voice of the governed. In many cases, that regard is all but vanished. The voice of the people now only seems to matter for those who reside in the first states to vote for the primaries. The people don’t seem to matter to the politicians who act as if they are gods that can impose their will. Politicians have evolved from having a sacred calling and trust, to being sponsored self-serving careerists.

Now… I know you’re all wondering… what happened to “I am grateful for freedom”? I’m getting there. I am grateful for freedom. I am grateful for the freedom to fight wrongs. I am grateful that we have, in this country, a Constitution, a Bill of Rights, and a Declaration of Independence. These documents are revered monuments to the great country we live in. When laws are passed that infringe upon our rights, we still have the freedom to hold to our liberty. We have the freedom to hold our ground and say “No. I will not budge.” We have the right in this country to present our evidence against these remarkable documents. We have the right to liberty.

Many situations have been happening recently where it seems as if our rights are being stripped. And I have had the privilege of witnessing hundreds of people standing up for their liberty. I have seen people, who know who they are and what they are worth, stand with their convictions. I have seen companies proudly fighting policies that conflict with their religious beliefs. I have seen protests and boycotts from people fighting for their families. I have admired the gumption and strength of people not complying when they know their rights.

In this country we believe in ourselves. We believe in our families. We know what our rights are. As long as we hold tight to those rights and freedoms, know what they are, and live accordingly, we will continue to have freedom in our land. We will be able to protect ourselves from tyranny and oppression. We still have the freedoms to boycott, protest, and voice our disagreements. We have the right to stand for something.

I’ve had to be a part of the fights recently. I’ve been striving to fight the injustices that continue to happen regardless of the voice of the people. At first, I was horrified that I lived in a land where the governed seem to have no power whatsoever. And then I began to see the fight. I began to be involved. Now, I realize more than ever, how blessed we are to live in a land where we have rights that protect us, guaranteed by our time-honored documents. I am grateful for the founding fathers, who determined that tyranny would not happen in this land. That we, as a people, would be able to protect ourselves against the government.

We may not live in a land where we always feel free to live according to our beliefs and convictions. But we do live in a land where we can fight for our rights, and win. Many countries do not have the freedom to dissent as we do. As strange as it is, I guess the fighting for what’s good and true has made me more patriotic. I am truly blessed to live in this land. I am grateful for the “unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” (Declaration of Independence). I hope as you read this you are motivated to make the nation a better place in your own sphere of influence. I hope then you will also feel the freedom in the fight.

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