• Our Decision to Homeschool

    You read that right. We’re homeschooling. This past week Jess and Liz had their last day of public school. It feels like it should have been bitter sweet… but to be honest, it was just sweet. We have always made it a focus to have a stable home for our children. Once we made the decision to move to California to pursue acting, we realized that we’d have to change how we defined stability. Moving is often difficult; and moving in with my parents, we knew that, sooner or later, we would have to move again. But we figured we decided that wherever we are, as long as we’re together,…

  • A Musical Month

    So, I told you I auditioned for a show in February (see this previous post for details)… well, these past few weeks were the actual performances! I can’t tell you how amazing it was to be in a musical again. It’s been such a long time since I’ve been on the stage. I love theatre. And not just for the lights and costumes, or the audience reacting to what is being presented, but for the friendships I make. It’s always an amazing experience. There were a number of little things that made this show a little extra special. For example, as I was going to rehearsals, I was surprised to…

  • Just a Small Town Girl, Livin’ in a Lonely World

    Making friends is difficult. Well, let me clarify that statement- I am a very outgoing and friendly person, says me. I enjoy talking to new people, and I’m happy to go out of my way to introduce myself. I like church activities and getting together for ladies nights. But, since the move, I’ve found it very hard to make friends here. Again, let me clarify- I grew up here, so I have many people that I already know and converse with at church, people who I consider friends. And yet, I have struggled to find someone to be able to call when I am in a crisis, someone to be…

  • Even Though We Ain’t Got Hats or Badges…

    We have had so many exciting things happen recently. Having a second vehicle has been absolutely amazing. I don’t have to schedule my life around Ben’s need for the car anymore! I can take my kids to the library or to the park or on playdates again without worrying that someone needs a ride! It’s been such a blessing. The day before we brought the motorcycle home, Ben also was able to join SAG-AFTRA. SAG-AFTRA is the combination of two former unions, the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA). By joining the union, Ben has officially become a professional working actor. Way…

  • A New Addition to the Family

    We’d like to announce a new addition to the family! Before we get to that, though, here’s a quick recap of our story for those who are new. I am a wife and mother to four beautiful girls. Yes, four. I left a beautiful home that I love, and moved in with my parents so my wonderful husband, Ben, could pursue a career in acting.  Since moving out to California last February, my hubby has been in TV shows, films, and even a few commercials. In addition, he also writes and produces his own shows. Recently, we produced our very first short film (for the posts on our short film…

  • How Much Is Your Integrity Worth?

    Recently on set I ran into someone I recognized. Now… I run into familiar people often. In fact, a common phrase on set is “you look so familiar.” Well… as background performers we all work for the same company and are all on tv frequently, so yes. Familiarity is inevitable. I don’t often remember where I’ve met people. That was not the case with this guy. No… this young man I would have a hard time forgetting. I worked a night call in November. So far my one and only night call. It was a very cold night (for California anyway, no offense to my frozen-snot folk) and we were…

  • The Musical

    I have so much to catch up on… sigh. Life gets crazy. I can’t fill you in on everything in this post, but I am so excited to tell you about this. I recently auditioned for a musical. Our Stake (church group) is putting on a show. The musical is an original script riddled with beautiful and inspiring well-known songs. As soon as it was announced I was determined to be in it. Jess wanted to be involved in the show as well. Ben’s schedule is so hectic that we figured it best for him not to audition. Okay… here’s the deal. When Ben works he’s often gone from before…

  • The Glamorous Background Job

    As a background actor, I’ve enjoyed the walking, sitting, reading, eating catered food, and talking to new people that I call “work.” It’s all been quite fun, in fact. Don’t get me wrong, there is a reason we are paid; the job has its downsides. I’ll tell you a few. 1- First off, we do the same thing over and over, like a factory assembly line. Here’s some homework for you. Pick a movie, any movie. As you’re watching pay attention to the camera angles in one scene and count them. I don’t claim to be a camera expert but I do realize that many angles make a great film.…

  • Flattery

    One of my favorite things about doing background work these last couple months is the social aspect.  While we do work plenty, there is also usually a fair amount of time where I get to just sit around and chat with the other background actors. I’ve met some lovely people. And they always make me feel good about myself; I’m constantly being flattered. My favorite part about it, however, is the shock factor. I don’t know why I get such a kick out of it… but I do. Here I am sitting with a group of people my age. We’re usually discussing acting and the jobs we have recently worked.…

  • The Short Film

    After our hectic drive to Utah and frantic stops along the way, and without even a moment to breathe, we were finally on set. First, to set the stage, so to speak… the “set” was actually a house. And let me just say… I had no idea whose house this was. It belonged to a friend of someone in the cast, and she had arranged for us to be there. And it was gorgeous! Absolutely perfect for the look we wanted. And here we were, the ones in charge, rushing in fifteen minutes late, carrying bundles of food, costumes, props… and children. Have you ever seen those events where people…