Casting Central,  Tales,  The actor,  The Wife

Central Casting – My Turn

I woke up at 1:30 am this morning to register for Central Casting. :0 And no… I was not first in line. I was number nine.

Why, do you ask, would I come out here (I’m writing this as I wait) that early in the morning to register for Central Casting? Good question. I’ll tell you.

Reason number 1: I would love to have an inside perspective on what goes on on-set. Ben comes home from work with the funniest stories and he has to explain a lot to me because I have no point of reference. I’d love to be able to chat more easily with him and understand more of what he faces day to day. And who wouldn’t love to see first hand what their husband gets to do for work? Often, with typical jobs, I don’t get to really see what he does, at least not to this extent.

Reason number 2: Christmas is coming. … Need I say more?

Reason number 3: Why not? I’m not pursuing a career in acting but that doesn’t mean that I can’t be on a movie set here and there, right? It would be amazing!

Reason number 4: To prove to myself that my anxiety does not control me. I can conquer my fear. I can make it through traffic without dying in a car crash. I can hold a conversation without making a fool of myself. I can walk a block in LA and not be mugged! I can sit in a line for several hours and survive the cold (and the wait). I can do difficult things!


Reason number 5: And probably the most important reason… I hear they feed us. Not just one meal even. Probably two whole meals that I wouldn’t have to plan, shop for, cook, reheat, set and clean up after! Wow! Two meals in the same day! I mean… need I say more? Oh yes… I’m so hyped.

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